
How to install octopress

Octopress is a blogging framework and one of the site site generators. It uses Ruby programming language and Liquid template language. The installing process is easy and simple. So let’s get started!

Here are the lists to do to install Octopress on Windows:

  1. First off, go to octopress.org setup http://octopress.org/docs/setup/ and read the documentation before you install Octopress.
  2. Type to search cmd.exe to launch the Command Prompt and right click to run as administrator.
  3. Go to https://chocolatey.org/ to download Chocolatey. Copy and paste the chocolatey on to C:\ directory
  4. In C:> install chocolatey choco install git
  5. Run C:> git —version if it says ‘git’ is not recognized, you need to exit the command prompt and launch the Command Prompt again.
  6. Run it again C:> git—version. It will shows the version of the git that you have installed.
  7. Install ruby from http://rubyinstaller.org/ and make sure to check offadd ruby executables to your path option.
  8. Check your ruby version to make sure you have installed ruby properly C:> ruby—version
  9. Since we use chocolatey, we are going to install ruby.devkit with choco. Make sure you are in C:> directory or you can type cd \
  10. In C:> choco install ruby.devkit and hit enter to install.
  11. Clone Octopress into one of your directories that you prefer or in my case C:\Users\mypc4\documents> git clone git://github.com /imathis/ octopress.git octopress
  12. Go to the octopress directory that we have just cloned it into and gem install bundler. C:\Users \mypc4\ documents\ octopress>gem install bundler
  13. Bundle install C:\Users\ mypc4\d ocuments\ octopress>bundle install
  14. Install Octopress theme C:\ Users\ mypc4\ documents\ octopress> rake install
  15. To preview your Octopress blog C:\Users\ mypc4\ documents\ octopress>rake generate && rake preview
  16. If everything goes smoothly, you can preview your Octopress blog at localhost:4000 in a browser.
  17. To create a new post, simply run rake new_post[“this is new post”] or C:\Users \ mypc4\ documents\ octopress> rake new_post [“this is a new post”]
  18. For more visit http://octopress.org/docs/blogging/

Host your Octopress blog on Github

  1. Create a new Github repository and name it with username.github.io
  2. On command prompt, run rake setupgithubpages
  3. Copy the SSH or HTTPS url of your repository and past it in.
  4. run rake generate
  5. run rake deploy
  6. run git add .
  7. git commit -m ‘your message’
  8. git push origin source

Publish it on Github Project pages (gh-pages) such as http://username.github.io/project

  1. rake setupgithubpages
  2. rake generate
  3. rake deploy
  4. git remote add origin (your repo url)
  5. git config branch.master.remote origin

Custom domains

  1. Create a file name CNAME
  2. echo ‘your-domain.com’ >> source/CNAME or echo ‘www.your-domain.com’ >> source/CNAME

For more information about how to deploy your Octopress blog to Github pages, visit the docs here

Enjoy your Octopress!

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